Registration is now open for all players. As usual, our team numbers are limited by the space we have available, so returning players please register as soon as possible to secure your spot!
Registration for seniors is also open, noting that Men’s, Women’s and Masters players must not register until invited to do so by the relevant team coach.
All the registration details are located on our Registration page >> here <<
Discount on Fees for 2022
All returning TFC players are eligible for a $25 discount on their 2022 fees as a thank you for supporting the Club as we’ve navigated the challenges of the last two years. This discount is on top of our already competitive fees, which are 15 to 30% cheaper than similar clubs in our local area.
How to get your discount? This discount MUST be applied at the point of online registration by selecting “Returning Player” and typing TFC into the Voucher Code field: