The new season is finally here!

This is it, we are finally getting into it! This post is primarily aimed at coaches and managers to assist you with weekly activities. We hope that that post will act as a quick reference page during the initial few weeks while you get up to speed.

Where do I find my teams fixtures?

All fixtures are located on SportTG (for 2019) and our Club page is located HERE.

Will I have a referee?

U6-U7 covered. U8-U11 you will be notified by the Club on a Friday if we have not been able to allocate a Miniroo ref. Those with teams 12+ can check HERE to see if there has been a Football Brisbane or Club Referee nominated. If not (very unlikely) a wiling volunteer will need to be found on the day of the game.

That resource is maintained by our Club Referee Coordinator Chris, who can be contacted at for any questions on the rules etc.

I am a coach / manager of a team U12+, how do I use FB Game Day?

FB Game Day is one of 2 applications you will need to use in 2019. The main purpose is to prepare match sheets for games and must be completed 30m before kick off. All coaches and managers should have access, if you don’t please contact us through the website.

A handy guide has been prepared to help you with the process of adding team members and their numbers. Each subsequent week becomes much easier as the previous team can be copied across then players can be selected quickly.

The guide is located on the Football Brisbane website HERE.

What do I need to arrange on a home game day?

Regardless of your teams age group you will need to check if you are the first (or last) team to play on a field at Dunmore. This can be assessed using the Schedule tab on our website.

If the first you will need to arrange for the goals to be pushed out and (if 12+) corner flags placed. If the last, you need to arrange for the goals to be returned back off the field.

Putting the equipment away is very important as you (members) fund all maintenance of the fields. If non-members use the equipment incorrectly and set up in the high wear areas (such as goal mouths) they will accelerate the rate of damage that we need to repair.

Let’s work together to make sure we are not spending our limited fees on items we don’t need to!

A guide has been prepared with guidance for both match day and training nights. It can be located HERE.

Do I need a ground official?

Every 12+ game needs a nominated ground official in place 15m before kick off. It is the Managers responsibility to ensure that a parent has obtained the bib from the cafe and is can be seen by the officials.

The primary role of the ground official is to escort the officials to the field of play and to request that any spectator who is not acting appropriately to please refrain.

If at any time a spectator does not listen to the ground official, please report this to the cafe and it will be escalated to the Executive Committee.